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Fast & Save Crypto Payments for Freelancers: How To Get Paid in Crypto with Archway App

Discover how freelancers can get paid in crypto for faster settlements, lower fees, and global reach. Ditch the bank and embrace the future of payments. Create a legal crypto-invoice and get your crypto payment as a freelancer with Archway App.

The gig economy is booming, with an increasing number of individuals opting for freelancing as a career choice. As the freelance space evolves, so does the need for efficient and reliable payment solutions.

Overcoming Challenges in Traditional Payment Methods

Traditional systems like banks and payment platforms like Paypal often come with high transaction fees and lengthy settlement times that eat into freelancer’s hard-earned income. In some countries freelancers are unable to access these financial services due to country restrictions or sanctions presenting various challenges for freelancers to access global employment opportunities. Not to mention the hurdles they face from inefficient currency conversion with cross-border payments. It’s time to find a better solution.

Crypto Payments for Freelancers

Crypto payment platforms specifically designed for freelancers have emerged to address the unique needs of this growing workforce. At Archway our focus is on offering a simple way to send and receive cryptocurrency payments along with the following benefits:

Multi-Currency Support

Using the Archway platform, freelancers can choose to receive payments in popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or stablecoins like USDT and USDC. This multi-currency support enables freelancers to diversify their income streams in various cryptocurrencies, while giving Archway clients the unique ability to pay in Euros while sending freelancers payments in crypto.

Invoicing and Billing Tools

Using the Archway app freelancers can invoice their clients in Euros and get paid in crypto by generating invoices quickly and easily. A history of paid invoices is kept for the freelancer’s records.

Faster Settlement Times

Traditional payment methods often involve lengthy settlement times, which can be a source of frustration for freelancers who rely on prompt payment to maintain cash flow. On the other hand, crypto payment platforms leverage the speed of blockchain technology to facilitate lightning transaction speeds. This means that freelancers can receive their payments quickly, reducing the waiting time between project completion and compensation. Once an invoice payment is made from a client to Archway, the freelancer will receive his/her crypto payment directly to their wallet within 24 hours.

Lower Transaction Fees

Cryptocurrencies offer the potential for lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment methods. At Archway businesses pay a flat fee of only 2%, regardless of where in the world the money is sent or received. This can result in significant cost savings for freelancers, allowing them to retain a larger portion of their earnings.

Enhanced Security

It’s important for crypto payment platforms to prioritize the security of transactions and funds. At Archway, we implement robust security measures, including encryption and multi-factor authentication to safeguard user accounts and funds from potential threats. Freelancers can have peace of mind knowing that their payments and assets are protected by state-of-the-art security protocols. They provide features such as multi-currency support, invoicing tools, faster settlement times, lower transaction fees, integration with existing platforms, enhanced security, and user support. By leveraging these platforms, freelancers can streamline their payment processes, enhance their financial management, and take full advantage of the benefits that cryptocurrencies offer.

Best Practices for Safeguarding Funds

Keeping crypto funds safe is often overlooked by freelancers but following these simple best practices below will ensure good standing:

Strong Passwords: Creating strong and unique passwords for wallet accounts is essential. A strong password typically consists of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enabling 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional verification step, usually through a mobile app like Google Authenticator or Authy, to access the wallet or initiate transactions.

Regular Software Updates: Keeping wallets and related software up to date is crucial. Developers frequently release updates that address potential vulnerabilities and enhance security features.

Navigating Volatility in Cryptocurrencies

It’s well known that cryptocurrencies can experience volatilities. To help mitigate this risk, strategies such as instant conversions to stablecoins or fiat currencies can help freelancers maintain financial stability. With Archway, freelancers can choose to store their earnings in stablecoins such as USDT or USDT. Alternatively, freelancers can just as easily convert their crypto to dollars using their local exchange if they don’t wish to keep their funds in crypto.

Accounting and Tax Implications

The accounting challenges related to cryptocurrency payments can be complex but using a platform like Archway Finance makes the process easy. Freelancers keep track of their earnings through the platform with a record of outstanding invoices, pending invoices and paid invoices. By adopting these practices, freelancers can effectively manage their financial obligations and ensure compliance.

Embracing Crypto Payments

By embracing crypto payments, freelancers can position themselves as forward-thinking professionals and benefit from the efficiency and convenience offered by this payment solution which includes: faster transaction times, lower fees, increased security, and global accessibility. Ready to get started? Sign up at


What are the benefits of accepting crypto payments as a freelancer?

Accepting crypto payments can offer numerous advantages including lower transaction fees, faster processing times, and borderless transactions. Additionally, it empowers freelancers by reducing the risk of fraud and allows them to receive payments from clients anywhere in the world seamlessly. For example, by conducting payments through the Archway app you pay just 2% commission and receive payments from a couple seconds to 24 hours directly to your USDT wallet.

How can freelancers get paid in cryptocurrency?

Freelancers can get paid in cryptocurrency by setting up a digital wallet and sharing their wallet address with clients. Payments can then be transferred directly to their crypto wallet. Many freelance platforms now also support payments in crypto, making the process even more streamlined. But if your client only wants to pay in fiat currency (like euros or pounds), you can use the Archway app to issue an invoice in fiat currency and receive payment in cryptocurrency (USDT). Convenient, fast and most importantly legal.

Is it safe to accept payments in crypto?

Yes, it is safe to accept payments in crypto as long as proper precautions are taken. Using a secure digital wallet, ensuring the correct wallet address is used, and following best practices for securing private keys can make crypto transactions very safe and reduce the risk of fraud.

How do tax obligations work for cryptocurrency earnings?

Tax obligations for cryptocurrency earnings vary by country. It's important for freelancers to keep detailed records of their crypto transactions and consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with local tax laws. Cryptocurrency earnings are often subject to capital gains tax, similar to other digital assets. However, there are a range of countries that do not yet tax. cryptocurrency transactions.

Why is adoption among freelancers growing for crypto payments?

Adoption among freelancers is growing due to the numerous benefits that cryptocurrency offers, such as borderless payments, lower fees, and quick transaction times. Moreover, the decentralization of digital assets reduces the dependency on traditional banking systems, which can be an advantage for freelancers working with international clients.

What are some popular freelance platforms that support crypto payments?

Several freelance platforms are now supporting crypto payments, including platforms like CoinGigs, LaborX, and Ethlance. These platforms make it easier for freelancers to accept payments in crypto and streamline the process of getting paid in cryptocurrency. However, if your client is only willing to pay in fiat currency and you want to accept in cryptocurrency, then use the Archway App. We have some of the lowest fees on the market (2%), fast payouts and a good support team.

Can freelancers convert cryptocurrency to fiat currency easily?

Yes, freelancers can convert cryptocurrency to fiat currency easily using various crypto exchanges. These platforms allow users to exchange their digital assets for traditional currencies like USD, EUR, and others, often providing multiple options for fiat transfer methods including bank transfers. If you suddenly want to convert a customer's fiat currency payment into cryptocurrency, then use the Archway app. We have this feature implemented through a convenient invoice system.

How does using cryptocurrency reduce the risk of fraud?

Cryptocurrency reduces the risk of fraud by utilizing blockchain technology, which makes transactions transparent and immutable. This decentralization ensures that once a payment is sent, it cannot be reversed without mutual agreement, thereby reducing the risk of chargebacks and fraudulent claims.

Is it easy for freelancers to set up a crypto wallet?

Yes, it is relatively easy for freelancers to set up a crypto wallet. There are many user-friendly wallet options available such as Coinbase, MetaMask, and Trust Wallet. These wallets often come with detailed instructions to assist users in setting up and managing their digital assets.

What contract terms should freelancers include when accepting crypto payments?

When accepting crypto payments, freelancers should include contract terms that address the agreed cryptocurrency for payment, the wallet address for transfers, the exchange rate at the time of payment, and any tax obligations. Clear terms can help both parties understand the process and reduce misunderstandings. Using Archway, you can use standard terms and conditions with fiat currency (euros or pounds). The customer will pay in the above currencies and at the time of arrival you will receive payment in USDT. Quite convenient!